Office: 403 CES Building
333 Nanchen Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai 200444, China
Nengjun Zhu
is currently with the School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University. He is a master supervisor, CCF YOCSEF Shanghai AC Secretary, CCF TCCC Executive Member, and PRIJCAI 2022 Local Chair. He received a bachelor degree from Sichuan University and a Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, both in computer science and technology. Nengjun Zhu has been a visiting Ph.D. student in the Management Science and Information Systems Department at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, and an intern researcher at Baidu Research. His research interests include recommender systems, data mining, and decision support systems, which are supported by many national and provincial government research grants as well as industry partners.
(version: 2022-10)
Students who are interested in doing research in these fields are welcome to join our team! Welcome to contact me.
However, there is no plan to recruit an international student this year.
Nengjun Zhu,
Jian Cao, Xinjiang Lu, Chuanren Liu, Hao Liu, Yanyan Li, Xiangfeng Luo, Hui Xiong.
"Predicting a Person’s Next Activity Region with a Dynamic Region-Relation-Aware Graph Neural Network."
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD).
2022. Accepted. (CCF-B)
Haoran Xin, Xinjiang Lu,
Nengjun Zhu,
Tong Xu, Dejing Dou, Hui Xiong
"CAPTOR: A Crowd-Aware Pre-Travel Recommender System for Out-of-Town Users."
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR).
ACM, 2022. (CCF-A)
Zixuan Yuan, Hao Liu, Yanchi Liu, Denghui Zhang, Fei Yi,
Nengjun Zhu,
Hui Xiong.
"Spatio-temporal dual graph attention network for query-poi matching."
Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR).
ACM, 2020. (CCF-A, Research paper)
CCF协同计算专委执委、CCF YOCSEF上海AC委员、上海市高校重点创新团队骨干成员
PRICAI2022 Local Chair, IEEE ICDM 2022 - NeuRec Workshop PC Chair
Reviewer:KDD2018, KDD2019, CIKM2018, ICDM2019, PRIJCAI2021, ICDM Workshop 2021, IEEE Intelligent Systems, International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing