• WWW 23

    The Web Conference. The Web Conference is the premier conference focused on understanding the current state and the evolution of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, policy, and many other disciplines. The Web Conference (formerly www conference) is a yearly interna ...

    Austin, Texas, USA,

    摘要截止日期: October 6, 2022

    正文截止日期: October 13, 2022

  • AAAI 23

    the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Founded in 1979, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and ...

    Washington, DC, USA,

    摘要截止日期: August 8, 2022

    正文截止日期: August 15, 2022

  • SIGIR2022

    the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. SIGIR is the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. Since 1963, we have promoted research, development and education in the area of search and other information access technologies. ...

    Madrid, Spain, July 11th to 15th, 2022

    摘要截止日期: January 21, 2022

    正文截止日期: January 28, 2022

  • WSDM2023

    ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. WSDM is a highly selective conference that includes invited talks, as well as refereed full papers. WSDM publishes original, high-quality papers related to search and data mining on the Web and the Social Web, with an emphasis on practical yet principled novel models of search and data mining, algor ...


    摘要截止日期: TBD


  • IJCAI2022

    The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence is a non-profit corporation founded in California, in 1969 for scientific and educational purposes, including dissemination of information on Artificial Intelligence at conferences in which cutting-edge scientific results are presented and t ...

    Austria, July 23-29, 2022

    摘要截止日期: January 7, 2022

    正文截止日期: January 14, 2022

Understanding Information Need: an fMRI Study 2017-02-24 10:33:08

A First Course in Machine Learning - Linear Model: A Least Squares Approach 2017-02-22 11:28:40
机器学习入门书籍第一章,从最简单的线性模型讲起。... || Linear Model; least square; Leave one out cross validation; || Simon Rogers; Mark Girolami...

Rails#rails activerecord type 2017-02-21 14:37:15
Rails 在建表时支持的属性类型... || rails; type; || ruby on rails ...

PREA: Personalized Recommendation Algorithms Toolkit 2017-02-20 08:09:45
Recommendation systems are important business applications with significant economic impact. In recent years, a large number of algorithms have been proposed for recommendation systems. In this paper, we describe an open-source toolkit implementing many recommendation algorithms as well as popular e... || tootkit; datasets; explicit feedback; exrecommender systems; collaborative filtering; evaluation metric;库;开源软件; || Joonseok Lee; Mingxuan Sun; Guy Lebanon...

Nuoku#TODO LIST 2017-02-19 07:52:43
如果您在使用本系统过程中,产生了任何问题和想法,都可以通过在本文下发留言的形式告诉我们。... || TODO List; nginx; || 朱能军...

Local low-rank matrix approximation 2017-02-16 11:35:28
Matrix approximation is a common tool in recommendation systems, text mining, and computer vision. A prevalent assumption in constructing matrix approximations is that the partially observed matrix is of low-rank. We propose a new matrix approximation model where we assume instead that the matrix is... ; || Joonseok Lee; Seungyeon Kim; Guy Lebanon...

Local Collaborative Ranking 2017-02-15 13:09:46
Personalized recommendation systems are used in a wide variety of applications such as electronic commerce, social networks, web search, and more. Collaborative filtering approaches to recommendation systems typically assume that the rating matrix (e.g., movie ratings by viewers... || recommender systems; collaborative filtering; ranking; || Joonseok Lee; Samy Bengio; Seungyeon Kim...