• WWW 23

    The Web Conference. The Web Conference is the premier conference focused on understanding the current state and the evolution of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, policy, and many other disciplines. The Web Conference (formerly www conference) is a yearly interna ...

    Austin, Texas, USA,

    摘要截止日期: October 6, 2022

    正文截止日期: October 13, 2022

  • AAAI 23

    the American Association for Artificial Intelligence. Founded in 1979, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and ...

    Washington, DC, USA,

    摘要截止日期: August 8, 2022

    正文截止日期: August 15, 2022

  • SIGIR2022

    the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. SIGIR is the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval. Since 1963, we have promoted research, development and education in the area of search and other information access technologies. ...

    Madrid, Spain, July 11th to 15th, 2022

    摘要截止日期: January 21, 2022

    正文截止日期: January 28, 2022

  • WSDM2023

    ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. WSDM is a highly selective conference that includes invited talks, as well as refereed full papers. WSDM publishes original, high-quality papers related to search and data mining on the Web and the Social Web, with an emphasis on practical yet principled novel models of search and data mining, algor ...


    摘要截止日期: TBD


  • IJCAI2022

    The International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence is a non-profit corporation founded in California, in 1969 for scientific and educational purposes, including dissemination of information on Artificial Intelligence at conferences in which cutting-edge scientific results are presented and t ...

    Austria, July 23-29, 2022

    摘要截止日期: January 7, 2022

    正文截止日期: January 14, 2022

Beyond Collaborative Filtering: The List Recommendation Problem 2017-04-04 17:21:11
Most Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms are optimized using a dataset of isolated user-item tuples. However, in commercial applications recommended items are usually served as an ordered list of several items and not as isolated items. In this setting, inter-item interactions have an effect on ... || Collaborative Filtering, Click prediction; www; GBT; || Oren Sar Shalom; Noam Koenigstein...

Goal Representations and Motivational Drive in Schizophrenia: The Role of Prefrontal–Striatal Interactions 2017-04-01 20:28:50
Barch提出了基于奖赏的动机情绪理论模型... || reward; cognitive control; anhedonia; || Deanna M. Barch; Erin C. Dowd...

DASFAA2017 会议论文整理 2017-03-28 11:13:25
选取几篇听过的文章,简述该文章主要思想和要解决的问题... || dasfaa; 2017; || Authors of DASFAA2017...

Emotion Deficts in people with schizophrenia 2017-03-27 18:56:42
Expression, experience, perception, anticipation, maintance, cognition; || Ann M. Kring; Ori Elis...

Algorithms Aside: Recommendation as the Lens of Life 2017-03-25 17:54:08
In this position paper, we take the experimental approach of putting algorithms aside, and reflect on what recommenders would be for people if they were not tied to technology. By looking at some of the shortcomings that current recommenders have fallen into and discussing their limitations from a h... || Personalization; recommendation engine; machine learning; || Tamas Motajcsek; Jean-Yves Le Moine; Martha Larson...

Long-term hospitalizations for schizophrenia in the Czech Republic 1998–2012 2017-03-18 09:14:40
近几年关于去机构化在欧洲较少被关注,长期住院的精神疾病患者数量不清,本文关注那些去机构化运动后离开医院的病人复进情况... || schizophrenia; hospitalization; deinstitutionalization; || Petr Winkler, Karolina Mlada...

关于诺库 2017-03-17 22:25:04
这篇文章主要描述了诺库平台的想法来源,主要要解决的问题。... || 倡议; 诺库; nuoku; || nuokuers...